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McNabb Communications, Inc. - Telephone, Internet, Long Distance

Helping People Communicate since 1901

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Assistance Programs

National Do Not Call Registry

The National Do Not Call Registry puts consumers in charge of the telemarketing calls they get at home.  The Federal government created the national registry to make it easier and more efficient for you to stop getting telemarketing calls you don’t want.  You can register online at or call toll-free 1-888-382-1222(TTY 1-866-290-4236) from the number you wish to register.  You may register up to three phone numbers, including your cell phone number. Registration is free.

After you register, it will take 31 days for your registration to become effective and you are permitted to file a complaint. Complaints can be filed at the National Do Not Call Registry page or by telephone at the toll free numbers listed above.

Lifeline/Link Up Program

Lifeline is a government program that offers qualified low-income households a discount on their monthly local telephone bill. Each state has its own guidelines to qualify.

Link Up helps households reduce the cost of initiating telephone service. This program pays for some of the cost of connecting local telephone service to your home. However, Link Up does not cover the cost of wiring inside your home.

For more information on discounts and how to qualify go to, click on low-income then apply for Lifeline support. On the Illinois section of this site, you can select McNabb Telephone Company to see if you qualify. If you have any questions call 815-882-2201.

How can I help? UTAC

The need for assistance continues to grow and donations are always needed.  If you would like to contribute to the fund so low-income families can obtain local phone service contact us.  You can donate monthly from 50 cents to $5.00 on your telephone bill.  One-time donations are also accepted and should be sent to:

PO Box 1176
Springfield, IL  62705

Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The Digital Divide Elimination Fund

The Digital Divide Elimination Fund Program is a special fund created by the Illinois Commerce Commission to help equip Illinois schools, libraries, park districts, and other community technology centers to provide access to computers and training for youths and other low-income residents meeting tomorrow’s challenges.

For customers who wish to participate in the program to foster the elimination of the Digital Divide, you may do so by volunteering to contribute a monthly fixed amount of $.50, $1.00, $2.00, and $5.00 that will be included in your telephone bill.

The customer may cease contributing at any time upon providing at least a 30 days notice by phone at 815-882-2201 or mail to McNabb Telephone Company, PO Box 158, McNabb, IL  61335.

One-time contributions are also welcome.

Please send to:

Digital Divide Eliminate Fund
Accounting Office
620 East Adams St.
Springfield, IL  62701